2015 Lions MD19 Convention Tacoma, WA Exhibits

2015 Lions MD19 Convention Tacoma, WA Exhibits

Soar Above the Clouds Lions Spring Convention

Note: Ken Rury has a lot of video and photos to share from the conference so check back often. He will add more here or create separate posts so watch the Index on the right side for more news.

What a success the Lions Multiple District 19 Convention was on Friday 3/13/2015 and Saturday 3/14/2015 at La Quinta Inn in Tacoma, WA, with 100 people on Fri and 150 on Sat.

Many of the clubs had exhibits showing some of the activities they are involved in. Here is a highlight of a few of those exhibits. I have included links under each picture to more details about each.

MD19 Lions Memorial Garden
Friends of Hoko River State Park
Are You a Coastsaver? Washington Clean Coast Alliance
Lions Green Team
NW Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center
Sample of Glasses Collected
NW Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center
The Sully Hat Project to Eradicate Measles
Presented to Highest Donor
Lions Project New Hope Northwest Camp for Veterans
Lions Project New Hope Northwest Camp for Veterans
Leader Dogs For the Blind
