Port Orchard, WA

 Port Orchard, WA

Port Orchard Dock by Erin Sullivan

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Port Orchard borders the Puget Sound off of a strait called Port Orchard and sits across the water from Bremerton at the entrance of Sinclair Inlet. It has a number of parks and marinas for your enjoyment and a foot ferry to Bremerton and car ferry to Seattle nearby in Southworth. Enjoy spectacular views of the water and both the Olympic and Cascade mountain ranges. Port Orchard is the county seat for Kitsap and the county courthouse.Aerial of Port Orchard

Zip Maps

Port Orchard | 98366 | 98367 | 98359 | 98384 | 98386


AnnapolisBethel | 98367Burley | 98367
Colby | 98384EaglecrestEast Port Orchard | 98366
Fragaria | 98359Glenwood | 98367Long Lake
Manchester | 98353McCormick | 98367Minterbrook
Olalla | 98359Parkwood | 98366Port Orchard
Sinclair | 98366South Colby | 98366South Kitsap
Southworth | 98386SunnyslopeView Park
Waterman | 98366Wautauga BeachWildwood | 98367
Wye Lake



Port Orchard
Retsil-Manchester | 98366
S. Kitsap E Of Hwy
S. Kitsap W Of Hwy
View of OlympicsSouthworth Ferry
