Kitsap Cares

 Kitsap Cares

Kitsap Cares (not-for-profit) was started by Ken Rury to help promote Kitsap and it’s small businesses, nonprofits, and charities through social media. Everything under Kitsap Cares and Rentals menu Ken Rury does for free to give back to the community. Ken Rury is a member of the Poulsbo Chamber of Commerce, Poulsbo Lions Club, and volunteers at the Poulsbo Visitor Center.

Click Greater Kitsap Area Resources to see a list of Kitsap Cares Resources as well as other community

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A healthy community will improve the quality of life for everyone. The more we know about our community, the better we will be able to help and support it. It’s easy to get lost in a global world and lose site of those around us. Kitsap Cares offer a host of social media pages for small businesses, nonprofits and every city in Greater Kitsap.

Small Businesses

Kitsap Cares supports small businesses by promoting them on social media and educating them on how they can do the same.

Tip #1: Setup a Facebook Business page, and Google+ page. If you start there you increase your chances of being found. These are simple free steps and don’t require a lot of time to maintain. Next set up a webpage and promote your goods/services/organizations there. Be careful about companies calling to help you with advertising and SEO you will get little ROI and it can actually hurt you in the long term. If you need help contact reputable marketing companies yourself.


It’s difficult to support a nonprofit  if you don’t know their story or purpose, so Kitsap Cares provides community sites for nonprofits to tell their story. Ken Rury uses his Facebook blog Kitsap Cares about Charity 365 and various other sites on Pinterest, YouTube to highlight different charities and direct traffic back to them. Charities often find it difficult or costly to promote themselves so Ken Rury tries to make that easier.
